Nokia Web Run-time (WRT)/ Widgets

Posted On 04:00 by peria purnomo |

Hello guys,

this time i will so you another new mobile application platform run on Nokia. as you know, nokia is the largest Cell phone vendor in the world. now nokia has released their new platform for us/ developer who loves Nokia device as development target.

Widgets are Web applications that can run independently from the browser application. In other
words, widgets are Web pages, normally designed for a specific purpose. Widgets utilize standard-
based Internet technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and even AJAX.
Nokia Web widgets run on the Web Run-Time platform (WRT), which is empowered by the Web
Browser for S60 ( Nokia Web widgets are designed to run on Nokia mobile
devices that support the WRT (see Nokia device specifications to find out which models support the
WRT). The Web Run-Time platform enables widgets to run independently from the Web browser,
thereby allowing a number of widgets to run simultaneously in the system. However, due to the
physical limitations of handheld device screen sizes, only one widget can be in the foreground at a

If you decided to try this platform, so you should read about the Prerequisite knowledge as bellow:
HTML markup and JavaScript are essential programming languages for the design and
implementation of every widget. In addition, the Document Object Model (DOM) and Cascading Style
Sheets (CSS) are also substantial technologies for controlling the style and layout of a widget. Nokia
WRT supports the following Internet technology standards:
• HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.0 (basic and mobile profile)
• CSS Level 2 revision 1 (CSS 2.1)
• JavaScript 1.5 (ECMA-262 3rd Edition)
• DOM Level 2
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