BlackBerry Development

Posted On 02:51 by peria purnomo |

Hello Guys,

ok i think we will start our BlackBerry Development now, because i have see BlackBerry now is the most popular device in the world, so of course it will be the big opportunity to build the service on that device. ok here we go.

actually develop an application on BlackBerry is almost the same way with J2ME, because basically Developing on BlackBerry platform is using J2ME to as main programming language. But in the BlackBerry, RIM has create an amazing preparation for their developer, they have already built the API to access BlackBerry device functionality. So you as the developer is need only to use that API as you like. But off course for Distribution level, you need an extra utility to play with BlackBerry device. But we will discuss on the other post. now we will focus on our preparation for developing BlackBerry Application. OK, this is the list of software that should be installed on your PC:
1. Eclipse.
2. Eclipse BlackBerry PlugsIn.
Just install both of them , but make sure you have already Java SDK installed on your computer. then you are ready to begin your blackberry development journey. but we will start on next post.:D
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