Development On Device Portal mobile Application

Posted On 23:01 by peria purnomo |

Hello again, now we will discuss about the Development of On Device Portal Application, this topic is more suited to you if you are a programmer but if you not it doesn’t matter to read this post as a knowledge in this topic. Then here we go, like we know the most popular platform and the most supported platform in this world is Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) platform, but there is so many other platform for us depends on what device will be our target, and most important is what kind of Programming Language skill we have. This is the list of platform :
1. J2ME(Java 2 Micro Edition) Platform
As you know this is the most used platform of all programming in the world because this is most supported platform on the mobile device. This is a platform from the giant software company Sun Micro System and a subset from Java 2 Standard Edition as we know the “Write once Run Anywhere” language that supported of all kind Operating System in the world. This platform basically use the JAVA Language.
2. BREW(Binary Runtime Environment For Wireless) platform
New and Great platform for CDMA device from the giant CDMA chip company Qualcomm. In the last 3 years, this platform is become one of the bombastic platform in Indonesia with the application from the Biggest Telecommunication Company in this Country Bakrie Telecom and Telkom Indonesia such as Esia Hidayah, Esia Slank, KompasPhone, and Bali Phone and much more that proofed of success story from this BREW platform. This platform use the C language as a main language.
The oldest platform in his class for the mobile Application Development platform. This one is used by many company to create the Operating System for Mobile Phone such as Nokia and sony ericsson. This platform use C++ language.
4.Flash Lite
You are familiar with the Adobe Flash? The most used animation creator software? The this is the best choice for you to develop your flash animation in the Cell Phone device. Yes now adobe flash is supported by the cell phone such as Nokia with his Adobe Flash Lite.
5. BlackBerry SDK
The new platform from and for the new player in the mobile device industries which become the most popular device in the world. This platform use the Java 2 ME language as the main language. The application published on the BlackBerry online store called AppWorld. And as we know as the most popular device there is a big opportunity to become a player on this BlaskBerry Application Business.
6. IPhone SDK
One more most popular and most expensive cell phone called IPhone from the Mac OS creator Apple inc. Yes we can create the application from this device and become a player in this bussines. This platform use the C++ language as the main development language.

Besides the biggest platform above, there is another great platform from and for the giant telecommunication company Nokia. Nokia has the biggest deleoper forum at Forum Nokia and create so many platform for their device as we know the most used Cell Phone in the world. Here is the Nokia development platform:
1. QT
Platform with the word CODE LESS. CREATE MORE. DEPLOY EVERYWHERE in the past is used by the linux developer to create the KDE. Now this platform is supported by the newest Nokia Cell Phone such as Nokia N97,Nokia 5800 etc. This platform has 3 different output from the single code there is Windows executable file *.exe for Windows, Mac , Linux and of course Symbian installer package that supported Nokia device *.sis. This platform use C++ language.
2. Nokia Web Runtime(WRT)
This is the new platform from and for the newest nokia device. This platform is created for the web programmer and web designer. Yesterday on Wednesday February, 24 2010, I have attend to the Nokia WRT training at Nokia Indonesia in the Jakarta city. The trainer named Fallary Tai from Singapore. This platform use the Web Programming Language HTML and java script. This platform capable to package the web application into the *.wgz extension as the application installer on the nokia device. So if you are the web programmer and want to join in the mobile application development, this is you place.
3. Maemo
This is the new platform for the newest on Nokia Device that is Nokia N900. This platform live in the linux operating system because Nokia N900 use linux as the operating system. More information . here.
4. OVI
For you the user of Nokia Device, you will found the new menu on your cell phone named Ovi. Yes this is Nokia Online Store. We can found a mount of application there. Nokia has release the development platform for this store. But basically Ovi store is used to be online store so any platform that supported by nokia device will be there. The good news is, next time ( we don’t know the time exactly) Ovi store will be open to personal developer, so we can submit our application as a regular programmer not a company. So are you ready for this opportunity?
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