HTTPConnection With J2ME

Posted On 03:02 by peria purnomo |

Hello There, long time no write on this site. actually i'm on my way in my final project at may studies. so i'm sory. today i just want to type some great technique and the most wanted article by the J2ME lover. yes i will tell you how to built HTTPConnection in J2ME, send some data, and also read the result. i allready prepared some source for example. just download it here. there is two part clent and server code. client source code of course written in J2ME, and the server is written in PHP. what you need to do is create new project in your NetBeans with "HTTPConnection" as the MIDlet class name. Then copy 2 files on folder client to your src folder. for server side, you need to have server simulation taht support PHP. you better use XAMPP. because it is free and powerfull. let say you allready have the apache server, then copy the HTTPConnection.php into your root directories on your server. then run the J2ME client and enjoy it. talk soon.
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